The Technologist Club Laboratory by Biancalani answers to all your questions. Plus, one.
It is not all about selling high-quality textile finishing machinery. Questions, customer services and consultation must be taken care of as well. In the TClab – Technologist Club Laboratory – by Biancalani ultra-qualified specialists who have worked in the industry of textile technology for more than 30 years are available to answer any question asked by customers. These specialists are real operators: they have knowledge, expertise and abilities. And they would like to send a message to current and potential clients: “here at TClab we are waiting for your fabrics, because not only we are going to improve it according to your needs, but we will give customized and successful inputs to your Research & Development; ultimately, we will help you fixing any kind of issue concerning fabrics you may face”.
Today, creations by design offices are at the heart of fashion and home decor business. Showing clients beautiful fabrics is not enough anymore: today, fashion and textile worlds are bound to eco-sustainability, certifications, innovation, quality and comfort. That is what makes the difference when big brands decide which fabrics to buy. And that is why research and development are the foundation of successful production and selling strategies.
So whom you should turn to? The Technologist Club by Biancalani boasts more than thirty-year experience resulting form thousands of tests and sales. All most important international manufacturers, from the designer to the big retailers, are asking for fabrics finished with Biancalani machineries. At the same time, world-famous chemical factories and textile fiber manufacturers keep in touch with TClab as per new products development. That is the reason why when clients buy Biancalani textile machineries they know they buy much more than a machinery: they purchase answers, inputs and unexpected savings all thanks to the TClab consultancy. Because it becomes a real stimulus to the client’s Research & Development.
What does “belonging to the TClab” means? Clients take real advantage from an ongoing support during the whole machinery lifespan, before and after the installation of the production line. Belonging to the TClab means obtaining highly specific information concerning what follows:
- parameters setting
- path to follow and how to develop the best solutions
- products and chemical treatments to be chosen among others
- new manufacturing processes the client wants to develop
Last but not least, the TClab makes sure the client has an informed and safe approach to the machinery, so that they can get the most out of it.
Which finishing processes the TClab deals with? The answer to this question may seem a bit bold, but it’s the only possible one: any kind of process. From fulling and wool fabrics washing with IDRA and MILLA, to wet manufacturing, drying and special treatments with AIRO® and AIRO®24, from knitted fabric dimensional stability control with BRIO® to enzyme and other washings with AQUARIA®, until those processes the customer still doesn’t imagine or dare realize. The TClab ensures a full consultancy on any kind of fabric and knitted fabric manufacturing process, in order to show what Biancalani textile machineries can actually do for the client.
That’s the final question, the one the TClab is founded on: what can Biancalani do for its clients? Well, the TClab actually supports the customers on all fronts: any problem about the manufacturing process and any input the client may need in order to start a brand new line, the TClab is available. It offers its textile background, its experience and specialists with the highest expertise and a strong attitude to problem solving.
The TClab sends a clear message: “send us your fabrics, we are on it”.

Write us to get more information or to request a test on your fabrics.

At Biancalani we do a lot more for you than just building machines. We listen to your advice and desires and make it easy for you to reach your goals offering you our past as a present: we strive to be part of your future.